Tree House Quilt

Welcome to My “With Fabric and Threads” Blog

I launched my Tangled Line Art website approx 12 months ago. In the last 12 months, I have been updating that site on a regular basis. In the meantime this site has been’hibernating’ whilst I have been trying to gather my thoughts into some semblance of order 🙂

Alas, that in itself a still a ‘work in progress’…..

So, whilst I don’t know exactly how the website will ‘pan out’, I do know that I will be covering Cross Stitch, Blackwork Embroidery, Patchwork/Quilting, Knitting and combining all of the above.   I will be sharing various pieces that I have completed, some simple, some not so simple, in the categories just mentioned. Some will be pieces I have completed simply because I liked the patterns. Others will be pieces completed in conjunction with gaining my teaching certificates, one in ‘Hand Embroidery’ and the other in ‘Patchwork and Quilting’

I have taught ‘in person’ workshops in hand embroidery and in patchwork/quilting. For each of these various workshops, along with the main project, I have always completed a smaller project as well. This gives me the opportunity to show the students how to apply those same techniques in smaller projects. For the students, they have the benefit of having the instructions for completing both the main project and a smaller project. Most of the smaller projects have taken the form of cushions and file and/or book covers.

Needless to say, I have ‘multitudes’ – is that even a word? of cushions and file/book covers featuring all sort of techniques.

A Brief Glimpse…….

Tree House Quilt
Tree House Quilt

I completed the three ‘House’ cross stitch embroideries some years ago and wanted a way to display them other than getting then framed. Tree House Quilt was the result.The background is basically a collage of various fabrics (not all quilting fabrics) that I felt worked well together. I then created a border of ‘trees’. The ‘trees’ are essentially small ‘log cabin’ blocks ‘on point 🙂


‘Chopin’ is one of a series of the Classical Composers Cross Stitch patterns I have created. Each pattern is created in a variety of colourways in both ‘full size’ and ‘half size’ versions of each of the composers in the series. More on that later:)

The two BlackWork embroideries shown here,  are samples I completed in conjunction with earning my Teaching Certificate in Hand Embroidery. The BlackWork Butterfly design is from Mary Hickmotts New Stitches Magazine, Issue 46. The BlackWork Oak Leaf design is from the same magazine, Issue 6


BlackWork Butterrfly
BlackWork Butterrfly
BlackWork Oakleaf
BlackWork Oakleaf

The Common Denominator….

You may or may not have read (see more details here), that I utilise quilt blocks as a basis for my Tangled Line Art designs. I also use quilt blocks as a basis for cross stitch and blackwork embroidery designs. Ultimately, I want to  use one or two quilt blocks as a basis for a quilt, a cross stitch pattern, a blackwork patterns and a Tangled Line Art design. Can’t wait to make a start on that 🙂

Along with the above, I will also be offering Cross Stitch, Blackwork Embroidery, Quilting patterns and various patterns for cushions and book/file covers.

I am not quite sure of my destination on this journey, but I surely know that I am going to enjoy the journey.   I may even find the destination somewhere down the track 🙂

Please join me in my travels and fell free to contact me, say hello let me know what you are interested in.

Enjoy 🙂

Welcome To My Blog

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